Why Wayfinder
Case Study

Public Middle School

McKenney Intermediate School


Marysville, California

“Wayfinder has become part of our culture and programs to prevent behavior issues. It provides preventative support to all students and staff helping us build a community of belonging.”

Wayfinder Students
Wayfinder Teachers
Year Started


McKenney Intermediate School participated in two three hour trainings. The first training was prior to the start of school where teachers experienced some of the activities and lessons, learned how to use the lesson guides, and the Wayfinder Web App. The second training went deeper into the importance of social and emotional learning, how the Wayfinder lessons and activities help students master future readiness skills, and a deeper dive into the Wayfinder Web App.


In July 2021, Wayfinder met with district and site leads to develop an implementation plan for the 2021/2022 school year which included trainings and professional development. In August, we conducted the first 3 hour training with McKenney Intermediate School staff. In September through December, our team provided bi-monthly office hours and one-on-one support as teachers developed their Wayfinder practice and conducted the second 3 hour training for McKenney Intermediate School staff. In 2022, our team provided monthly office hours and check ins with staff as well as professional development during staff development days.

How it's implemented

  • McKenney Intermediate has integrated the Belonging curriculum in their social science classes for 6, 7, and 8
  • The school counselor  work collaboratively with the Social Science department to pick themes and lessons for each month.  
  • The team delivers the lessons and activities in a dedicated 30 minute time each week
  • All students participate in Waypoints bi-monthly
  • The counselor reviews the data and shares it with the staff at their monthly staff meetings.  They then choose activities from the Activity Library to help address their areas of concern.
"The Belonging Curriculum has helped us connect with students at a deeper level."
MTSS Coordinator
"The Belonging Curriculum has helped us connect with students at a deeper level."
8th Grade Social Science Teacher
"The Belonging Curriculum has helped us connect with students at a deeper level. I love the fact that it’s all at my fingertips, well thought out, and engaging.”
MTSS Coordinator
MTSS Coordinator
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